>  Travel Tips   >  Rock Your Spring Break Vacations with Unlimited Vacation Club Tips

This upcoming Spring Break it’s the perfect chance to escape from any stress of daily life routine, and we know that! That’s why we made a shortlist of essential things you should do before and during your next vacation with UVC

Do a search of your destination 

It is recommendable that if you are traveling to a new destination, to do research online about famous places to visit and locations of interest. That way, you can be prepared to enjoy to the fullest your stay and even impress your friends, telling them fun facts about the destination! Don’t forget to keep a copy of your booking confirmation with UVC on your mobile.


Pack less, have more fun! 

You only need to carry what is going to be necessary on your trip! Pack your essentials and some things that you may need in case of emergency. Our Preferred rooms and suites have most of the amenities you need to make of your stay the most conformable one. But trust us when we tell you that you will want to spend most of your time having a drink by the pool or beach while listening to our Spotify #UVCMusic playlists.

Protect yourself from the sun

Even when it’s exciting to think about getting relaxed under the sun, you need to take care of your skin! Don’t forget to use sunscreen. It will be available inside your Preferred room at your favorite resort. Remember, it’s better to use SFP 15 or higher. Use it! You will thank us later for this!


Try new things! 

It’s good to relax, but also, it’s essential to get the time to try to do new things! We know it can be hard to get out of your comfort zone, but trust us when we tell you that trying to do something new can provide you magical moments (#UVCmemories) to remember on your way back home. A good example could be learning how to make guacamole! Or get to do snorkel! Take a tour with Amstar to any of the beautiful places in your destination. The availability will depend on which resort you will stay!

Get some time off of your phone 

We know that you would like to post on social media part or most of your vacations, but you also need to live the moment. Get relaxed, and enjoy the sound of the ocean. Social media can wait, but only for a while. Because then you will have to upload your #UVCmemories to our blog and our other social media channels.


Drink water!

We know that you will have lots of fun, but it’s essential to stay hydrated at all times! And even more, if you are going to spend many hours under the sun! Otherwise, you’ll risk spending most of your stay feeling sick and skipping most of your desired activities.